I've recently resigned from work and am in my final month before jet setting off to Europe for 3 months. First time in years i feel my mind is free. I'm winding down from work and its a blessing not having work woes dictate my every thought. Finally a time just to think, ponder, share, experience and LIVE. Why not capture these moments with the written word.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
am i ready to blog again?
So anyway after i debuted my blog yesterday i felt a unfamiliar flutter of happiness and achievement. Is that slightly pathetic considering i only have one follower and it happens to be my brother in law who joined but didnt actually read my blog! "too long" he complained before willing me over to view his more exciting blog which features videos, multiple postings, fun facts and pretty pictures. His blog also has a purpose as it is all about his business. My blog is like a tweenage girls diary. Interesting to me but not so much to others.
But anyway getting back on the sense of achievement and happiness i felt yesterday after finishing my first entry, it struck me as interesting that something so simple brought me such joy. Writing has always been something i loved doing but pushed aside due to work commitments, social life etc and before i knew it days began rolling into months, months rolling into years until now at 27 i am yet to do anything to do with writing. My page is blank and my book is still unwritten.
I knew when i was 6 that i wanted to write. I used to write short stories and beg my mum to publish them for me. In year 5 i wrote a story called 'My Pet Monkey' that was a finalist in the Toronga Zoo writing competition. And in year 10 i wrote a love story called Surfing Safari which impressed my sister who mistook it for an actual story written by a proper author when she discovered print outs in our bathroom (classy i know - proofing on the toilet. I call it multi tasking). The story revolved around two central characters Jacko and Sarah who fell inlove whilst surfing tubes and chasing waves off the Queensland coast. I actually remember researching surfing magazines for correct surfing terminology so my tale was authentic. Where's the dedication gone people? Where did i get my inspiration from back then? The two characters are oddly convincing. How did i manage such conviction at only 15 years old?
These days i struggle to make up a story to my niece. The characters usually being pretty horses who have magic powers and grant 3 wishes. Not very original. Have i put my creativity on hold for so long it has escaped me? or is it like a bear hibernating for the winter?? A very loooong winter it seems.
My question is do we know from a young age exactly what we want to be? But as we get older we abandon it and push it away?
They say if you do what you love you will be happy but so many people don't. We get scared about money, mortgages and having possessions. We have to own a house by 30 dont we?
It strikes me as interesting that people are giving up what they love and not even realising it. Are we on autopilot?
Monday, June 21, 2010
First post - the inspiration
I was on facebook chat when my big brother Christian who lives overseas in America came online! We started chatting and he told me that he had just gotten home from a big night out in New York City. He was currently residing in NYC on business - He was there on a modeling contract he had won well due to the obvious...his good looks. Christian's profession by definition is a male model. He is tall, very good looking and extremely cute and cuddly. Picture a big bear doing blue steel and that's Christian.
He began to share with me (albeit he was i'm guessing a bit typsy as it was 5.30am NYC time) that he struggles meeting women. Correction he struggles approaching woman. He says once they're talking it's fine but going over and making that first move he turns into a stunned mullet and usually loses his moment. Which sadly results in him nursing a scotch and coke, miming the words to 'what about me' alone at the bar! haha probably not that tragic but hey this is my blog so i'm going to indulge a little bit. I pondered the poor goodlooking boys problem and gave him the most sensible and obvious advice that came to my head which was. "All you have to do is go over to a girl, smile and ask her how her nights going. And that's it! The rest should work itself out." I then went onto share some encouraging anecdotes plus give him some confidence boosting compliments. However the basis of my advice was that when making a connection with a person it shouldn't have to be that complicated. Our senses should lead the way initially. Sound, sight and smell. I told him half the work is done for him already (due to his disgusting good looks - as long as he remembers to get the parsley from out of his teeth. Something he is famous for) and that girls will like him cause he is instantly loveable (nothing better than a biased sister).
Christian really appreciated my advice and basically requested that i write him a step by step guide to picking up a woman with the result of taking her home at the end of the night. I said first of all, there are no steps to ever guarantee sex on the first night and shame on you to think i would betray the sisterhood and let you know any secrets to achieving such a victory and secondly i was just as lost as you when it comes to dating, men, woman and the rest. But then i thought i might not know how to get a guy but i certainly know how i would like a guy to approach me... so here was my advice!
Dear Christian,
i only have 3 steps. This is not to ensure sex on the first night cause honestly that mostly happens if the two people are very pissed or theres a real connection and you feel the need to get naked right away. Just remember you cant force or rush a girl. So talk to her with an expectation of good conversation and not to get her into the sack and you will instantly relax as the pressure is taken off you. Also you can always tell when a guy is just looking for a root.
Step one. Make eye contact from across the room but dont stare her down just a quick glance then look away. She will be hoping you like her but you need to keep her guessing. Nothing worse than a desperado or a guy who's too keen. If a guy is too keen it makes us think there's something wrong with them.
Step 2. When you see her head to the bar to get a drink casually go over to the bar and say something like "hey hows your night going". Pretend you're over there ordering a drink too. Just play it cool, smile and then hopefully a conversation will start up. Theres no real method to approaching girls cause unfortunately there is no girl that is the same. Some like to be approached, some are shy, some are bitchy and sometimes the chemistry is just not there. Just always be friendly without trying to be too keen. Dont be a smart arse too much cause that can be offensive. And dont be a conversation hog. Most battles for men is that they are boring or not good looking enough and you are niether of those things. Just go for it. But be polite and friendly and smile. Step 3, if none of this works put on a french accent and say your the number one dildo model in France.
However i'm curious what do other people think of this? What is the best way to meet people? What's the best way to approach people? If christian cant meet girls when he is good looking, sweet, smart, funny and an overall sensitive soul - then what hope is there for the rest of us mere mortals? Does it really come down to right place, right time? Or does it come down to going for people you aren't really that attracted to or avoiding those that intimidate you because it's safe and you wont get the harsh sting of rejection. Do you think most people date in their comfort zones? I'm so curious as i feel like i've discovered that no one - not even the good looking ones are making the first move. I feel like we are all trapped in our heads scared to make a move. So does that mean we are all just politely avoiding each other?